Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wrapping Up Africa {Fun Friday!}

I know, I know. It's not Friday, but Kelly says we can link up anytime! Here's my Fun Friday for this week...check it out and then go link up with Kelly at Teaching Fourth with your Fun Friday!
Aren't these pilgrim hats cute? I'm a Denver Bronco fan - loving this season! Purple hasn't always been my favorite color, but I love it now. :-) Check out below to see what we did with our Africa projects this week!

We spent most of our Social Studies time the past few weeks learning about African regions. We all learned about each region, but then students picked the region they wanted to learn more about.

In groups, they filled out a graphic organizer about their region using books from the library and videos we watched in class.

Finally, they were able to choose how to show me everything they learned. They came up with a few ideas and then we all agreed on what would need to be included in their projects, no matter what they decided to do.

They chose their partners from their regions group and got to work!

They were so engaged in these projects! I can't wait to display them in the hallway!

Have a great Monday all!


  1. The Pilgrim hats are very cute! Your projects sound great! Thank you so much for sharing and for linking up!


    1. Thanks Kelly! I always enjoy linking up and looking at everyone's FUN!


  2. Hi Nicole!

    Those pilgrim hats look so easy to do! I wonder what the white stuff is that glues the Reese Cup to the cookie? Icing? Marshmallow? My mouth is watering thinking about it. Go Broncos! I'm an Peyton Manning fan!

    Teaching with Moxie

    1. Hi Diane!

      I think the white stuff is just white frosting! Yummy!

      Love those Broncos! Thanks for stopping by!



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