Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Summer!

Ok. I'm going to admit something here. I don't really understand the whole Google-reader-Bloglovin' business. However, I don't want to lose any blogs I follow, and I would hate to lose any of my amazing followers!

So, to follow me on Bloglovin', just click the link at the top of this post. 

In other news, it's the first official day of summer! What better day to link up for the very first time with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five For Friday linky party?

Random Thing #1:

Oh yes. This happened. In case you are wondering? Raspberry-lemon gelato.

Random Thing #2:

I may have been in Mexico until Sunday. So I feel like that's within the past week and I am not cheating. We went to Chichen Itza on Saturday...such an amazing place! It was so so so so so so so hot. SO HOT. But even sweltering humid sticky yucky heat couldn't overshadow the enormity of the pyramids. The fact that they are so precise and built so perfectly makes them a must-see if you are on or around the Yucatan Peninsula!

Random Thing #3:

I told you. I was in Mexico.

Random Thing #4:

While we were in Cozumel, we put our newly earned scuba certifications to use for FIVE days! It was a truly life changing experience and I loved every minute of it. Since I am slightly technologically impaired, I am waiting for the help of my loving and tech-savvy husband to upload a few videos. SPOILER ALERT: We saw a shark!

Random Thing #5:

Everyone in my house has been doing a lot of this. Including me. But they are much cuter. I love summer break. :-)

One Extra Random Thing:

Obviously, I have found Instagram. If you want to follow my personal pictures, it's @nicholefalkowski. I have a school account too, and as soon as my brain will let me go there again, I will be adding some pictures. You can follow me there too, if you want! @craftofteaching. :-)

Happy summer everyone! Don't forget to link up your Five for Friday!


  1. sounds like a nice trip! i'd love to see the pyramids!!

    1. Hi Lisa! It was a fun trip...I highly recommend the pyramids!


  2. Wow - sounds like a wonderful trip! Raspberry-lemon gelato? Yes please! YUM!
    A shark! Yikes! Looking forward to seeing the video :)

    Joy in the Journey

    1. Hi Jessica! It was a fun trip, even the shark part! :-) And that gelato is one of my very favorite guilty summer pleasures! Thanks for stopping by. :-)


  3. Thanks for sharing your week! I am behind on the bloglovin thing and need to get the link up on our blog... Looks like you are having a fabulous time on your trip. I just found your blog through Five for Friday and am a new follower!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

    1. Thanks for following Sarah! I hope that I did the Bloglovin' thing right?? I really have no idea... LOL



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