Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I'm Lovin' Wednesday and a Winner!

Yay for alliteration in my blog post title! :-)

First things first! Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my insanely long post about and then leave a sweet comment! I used a random number generator to choose the winner of a $5 Starbucks giftcard...

6 people commented, including one on Facebook. Hers was the first comment overall, so the third comment was Angela's from The Teacher's Desk 6!

Congrats Angela! Enjoy your Starbucks!

Now on to What I'm Lovin' Wednesday! This is a new linky started by Covered in Glitter and Glue and I'm lovin' it for sure.

This is a great linky because the guidelines are open!
-What you're loving about your classroom, about school, or about summer
-A TPT product you found or a TPT product you made
-A Pinterest idea you've tried and loved
-A Target find
-Pictures of your pets
-Anything and everything you're loving
-1 thing or 10 things
So here we go!

I am LOVING my color-changing toenail polish...check it out!

It's a clear sparkly polish when I'm inside, but outside in the sun it turns sparkly red!! I love these polishes from Del Sol.

Number 2 clip art

I'm loving gardening and growing plants this summer!

My peppers are starting to grow! I can't wait to try them.

Number 3 clip art

I am just starting out with Instagram and I'm lovin' it! My husband is starting to give me weird looks about it...but I am really enjoying playing with it. :-) If you want to follow me you can click the picture above.

Number 4 clip art

Ok...just one more.

These are my sweet pets...I LOVE spending time with them in the summer. :-)
Well, there you have it! That what I'm lovin' today! Make sure you head over to Covered in Glitter and Glue to tell us what YOU are lovin'!

PS If you were wondering, I got the adorable numbers on this post {here} for free!


  1. Thanks for linking up! I love the pictures of the pets. Del Sol nail polishes are so fun!

    Covered in Glitter and Glue

  2. Haha! I thought my brown tabby was the only cat who likes to sleep like that. Total lack of modesty, I tell ya!

    1. Oh no! You are not alone! This one has no shame at all!


  3. Oh I need that polish! My daughter would love it! And love your fur babies! Following your blog now, would love if you would visit mine!


Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)