Tuesday, February 3, 2015

One of THOSE Days....In a GOOD Way!

Whew! Productive days are exhausting....but OH, so satisfying! I love it when you get into a groove and your day seems to click by like clockwork.

It doesn't always go like that for me, but when it does I like to bask in the glory of a well-planned and well-executed schedule. (Can you believe it?? And on a full moon too boot!!!)

My daily schedule is looking a lot like this these days:

Here's a little bit of what we did today:

During our "soft" start, I noticed several people without chairs...sitting on the floor, standing, using pillows. I'm not sure why we were boycotting chairs today, but I wasn't going to make a big deal. Ain't nobody got time for that.

They're a stubborn bunch...only one gave in and got a chair before the end of the day.
This week we started our new science unit on the solar system and stars...we created a Circle Map and started doing some planet research with our Chromebook carts! Do you think there were some Uranus jokes?? Of course there were. (You can't prove that I laughed.) Gotta love 5th graders...

During literacy today, I was so excited to start using this AMAZING freebie from Diane at Fifth in the Middle. We are participating in Liberty Day at the capitol on March 16, so we are using her product to start learning about the Constitution!

Click on the picture to grab your copy of Diane's freebie!
The best part? The whole thing is differentiated, and includes text-dependent questions! My kids are LOVING it. It has been great in my small groups.

After lunch, we tackled writing. We are DEEP into opinion/persuasive writing, and yesterday we made a list of the attributes of effective opinion writing. Today, we analyzed 2 pieces to see if they contained the items on our list...and we even found some more ideas to add to it! Because procrastination is how I usually roll, I did come up with a graphic organizer for them to record ideas on. At the last minute. (Read:on the fly.)

What? You didn't expect that the whole day went perfectly, did you???

I would love to hear how your days are shaping up!! Anything awesome? What's making you feel super-productive??

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