Saturday, January 2, 2016

First {Currently} of 2016!

Happy New Year everyone! Can you believe that 2016 is here? I spent most of New Year's Eve thinking that it's not possible. I know I am going to write 2015 on everything for at least 3 more months...

Luckily, Farley at Oh Boy! Fourth Grade keeps us all on track, and she's ready to go with the first Currently link up of the year! :-)

Here's what going on with me:

Listening: It's pretty quiet around here this morning. Just one of my old golden guys sleeping and snoring. I'm sure the other one is sleeping and snoring somewhere in the house...and maybe my husband too? Who knows? ;-)

Loving: This community of TpT participants, teacher bloggers and amazing teachers has me in awe this morning. There are so many inspirational blog posts floating around - so many heart felt conversations - so many teachers around the world supporting and uplifting one another in the name of the children we teach - that it makes my heart really happy. Keep rocking it, teachers!

Thinking: This break has gone really fast! I am definitely looking forward to seeing my 5th graders on Tuesday (work day on Monday) but I blinked and the holidays are over and I guess I better make some kind of lesson plan for next week.


Needing: This one is going to take a little work. I really need to find my stride - my teaching stride (we are starting a new literacy program next week - yikes!), my TpT'ing stride (more quality products coming soon!) and my personal stride (this husband of mine is pretty great - he needs my attention too!). Everything is a balance, and I really want to work on that so that I can be the best teacher, wife, sister, aunt, EVERYTHING I can be!

One Little Word: Perseverance is a word I use TONS with the 5th graders, and it's about time I took my own advice. (Shhhhhh! Don't tell them! They already persevere with GUSTO and I don't want them to know I haven't been!) I keep thinking about blogging and TpT and teaching. ALL things I want to be really good at it - but here's the thing. I keep thinking about quitting (NOT teaching) and I have to just remind myself that anything worth doing takes grit and guts. Giving up on TpT or blogging would be the easy way out - instead I think I'll stick with it and push forward! Only great things can happen that way. So I will PERSEVERE right along with my inspiring 5th graders.

There you have it folks! Currently January is in the books. Happy New Year to all - I hope your week after break goes great and brings you tons of joy!

Don't forget to share your Currently over at Oh Boy! Fourth Grade!


  1. I used to have a Golden. They are the sweetest dogs. This break did go by awfully fast! Have a wonderful new year.
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. I'm dreading taking down my Christmas decorations as well. Love the magic wand idea- mine was to have a personal assistant. Both would work just fine!


  3. I began taking down decorations today. Looking forward to seeing you this afternoon friend

  4. Grits and guts will see you through many things! Finding "balance" is also a struggle for me! Don't forget to include finding time for yourSELF in the mix! May your new year bring all good things!
    Stories and Songs in Second

  5. There's nothing better than the sound of a dog snoring!!! Love it!


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