Sunday, November 27, 2016

Top Teacher Gifts and a Giveaway!

Whether you are a teacher, parent, or student, Christmas can be a tough time of year when you are looking for that perfect gift. Here are a few fun ideas for that special teacher in your life!

________________________________________________________________________ Books: Any additions to the classroom library are always welcome! Parents, you can always ask your child which book they would like to have in their classroom library and pick that one. Another great choice would be a Barnes and Noble or Amazon gift card. These help teacher round out that library with new and fun titles for the whole year!

Click to see full size image2. Personalized Notepads: If the teachers you know are anything like me, I love a cute set of stationery or an adorable notepad! Having extra notecards around the classroom is handy and helpful when you want to jot a quick note of praise or a thank you card. Personally, I think the notepads from Doodlebugs Paper are so adorable!$OD-Dynamic$&wid=450&hei=450 

3. Fun Post-Its: You can *literally* never have too many Post-Its. We use them for EVERYTHING and it doesn't hurt when they are in a fun shape!

4. Dry Erase Markers (the fun colors): In my classroom, I end up "loaning" all my pretty dry erase markers to students and pretty soon they are nowhere to be found. Your teacher friend would probably love to have a dry erase recharge in the middle of the year!

5. Stickers, Stickers and more Stickers! Cute stickers can always find a good use - from the top of papers to the bottom of a planner! I happen to think the little round ones are the best!

6. Target Giftcard: Any teacher will tell you, Target is the best place to get, well....anything!,204,203,200_.jpg

7. A Good Book: If you are looking to buy for a colleague, think about your favorite professional development book and give them a copy! Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler has been a game changer for me.

8. Handmade Gifts: My absolute favorite gifts? The ones that students make. The love and care that students show in their gift making and gift giving always astounds me. And years later, these are the gifts that always bring a smile to my face and a great story to my lips.

9. Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card: Who couldn't use some money to spend on TpT during the Cyber Sale this week? Make sure you enter the Rafflecopter at the end of this post to enter to win your own $10 to spend!

10. A Wishlisted Item: So many teachers have huge wishlists on TpT. Maybe you could find out something they have been wanting to grab on TpT and send it to them? Or you could share that $10 if you're the winner. The most wishlisted item in my store is linked up below! You can see how I use this daily routine in my classroom by clicking here.

Good luck on your holiday shopping this season! Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter below and then hop to the next blog for another chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Are you ready to keep hopping for more chances to win? Click the button below to visit Kovescence of the Mind!


  1. I love adding books to my professional development list! I will be adding Mathematical Mindsets to it.

  2. Great ideas! I've been wanting to read Mathematical Mindsets - glad to hear it's a good one. May need to hint my hubby Santa for this one! Thank you for participating with me! :)


Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)