Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Must Have Picture Books Linky

Yay for my very first linky! I am so excited to be a part of this one!

Let me tell you how surprised I was to learn that intermediate students love picture books as much as primary students! Since I figured out this simple truth, my picture book collection has grown. And grown. And grrrooowwwnnn! Every where I travel, I look for picture books and I’m pretty sure the bookstore employees know my credit card number by heart. My husband has resigned himself to carrying home much more than we started with on our trips, due to my love affair with picture books. I love this linky from Lindsey at The Teacher Wife, even though I know my pocket book will suffer! 

The Teacher Wife

Here’s 5 books I don’t think my classroom could live without…

1. First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg
I read this book every year near the first day of school. I love the twist at the end and the surprise on the kids’ faces when they realize who the book is REALLY about!

2.  Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street by Roni Schotter
This book comes in very handy when we start discussing Writer’s Notebooks and ideas for writing! The main character realizes that there’s a story hiding in plain sight in her neighborhood. Now that I think about it, there might be a lesson about cause and effect in there too!

3.  The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
I have used this book for many years and in many different ways. I love to let students use it as a mentor text for writing in other content areas about concepts or ideas. It’s a great way to share new knowledge!

4. Fireflies! By Julie Brinckloe
When I was young, my family would always take summer road trips to Iowa to visit my grandparents. One of my fondest memories of those times is delighting in watching the fireflies and trying to capture them (we don’t have fireflies in Colorado). This book is a great way to share a bit of myself with my students AND talk about personal narratives!

5.  My Big Dog by Janet Stevens
Another book that lets my class in on a little part of me! The cat in this book looks (and ACTS) just like my kitty and the interaction with the dog seems eerily similar to what we went through when we brought him home as a puppy (yikes!). I am a sucker for a happy ending and this book delivers!

Ok, folks! There you have it! Five wonderful picture books we couldn't live without in my classroom! Thanks for reading and don't forget to go link up with Lindsey, share your treasured books and find some new ones. Happy reading!

Nichole :-)


  1. I love The Important Book and First Day Jitters. I forgot about Nothing Ever Happen on 90th Street. I will put it on my list. =)

    Thank you for sharing! I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to come and visit me when you get the chance. Welcome to blogging too! I hope you love it as much as I do. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thanks, Heather! So far, I am digging blogging...you might say I am getting addicted!

      Thanks for visiting, following and sharing your thoughts!


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for hosting the Linky Party, Lindsey! I can just feel my classroom library getting bigger and bigger and bigger... :-)

      Thanks for visiting, following and sharing your thoughts!


  3. I have to check out Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street. It looks like a great book!
    Thanks for stopping by to "see" me. I am a new follower! Welcome to blogging!
    Second Grade Sunshine

    1. It's a really cute one! Your kids will love it!

      Thanks for following me! Thanks for the welcome!


  4. I don't know the book Nothing Happens on 90th Street, it looks like one I would love...thanks for listing it! I am now your 7th follower :)
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

    1. Thanks for following Shawna! I'll hop over to your blog and check it out!


  5. First day Jitters is one of my faves too!! Just found your blog :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  6. First Grade Jitters is a great one, of course! And I forgot about The Important Book! I love that one... I usually do a Mother's Day activity with it! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm your newest follower!

    Lacy's Letters

    1. Thanks for following Cyndi! I love the idea of a Mother's Day Important Book!


  7. Love your book list! I still need to read The Important Book.

    The Dalton Gang

  8. I just love "The Important Book!" It always sparks such a writing frenzy in my class when we read it! Loved your list

    Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway

    1. Thanks Courtney! I love the way the kids intertwine their ideas with the book as a model...such a great one!

      I'll pop over to your blog soon!


  9. Hi Nichole! We're your newest follower. I love your picture book list. First Day Jitters of course is a great book. I remember chuckling at the end the first time I read it. Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street is also a great book. Wonderful for modeling writing ideas. I also used it when we were talking about inferring the setting because the students have to really think about where it takes place. It has both explicit (it takes place on 90th Street) and implicit (90th street where? In the USA? Another country?) The kids loved hearing it a second time for a different purpose. Fireflies is another great one. It is great for connections and I as well use to spend so many summer nights trying to catch Fireflies. A cute, easy read with a dog in it is City Dog, Country Frog. It is about making friends with someone different than you and has amazing illustrations. My fifth graders loved it. The ending is left open, so you have to infer what happened.

    Thanks for sharing your book ideas and stories with them. Check out our list on http://4321teach.blogspot.com/


    1. Thanks, Antoinette! I will definitely be checking out City Dog, Country Frog...this linky is going to make me go broke! LOL


  10. Thanks for sharing your favorite books! My wishlist keeps growing and growing!!!!!

    Newest Follower
    Lanier's Kindergarten Lions

    1. Thanks Nicole! I'm telling you, the more I look at that linky, the more I have to think about getting a second job! Hah!


  11. Wonderful choices!!! Stop by and visit anytime! SMILES!


Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)