Monday, July 23, 2012

It's Finally Time! Monday Made It!

Well, everyone, the moment I have been waiting for is finally here! I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!
I have made a bunch of amazing stuff over the summer thanks to all the ideas shared on Monday Made Its. I am going to share two (maybe three?) with you all today! Eeeeeeee! Can you hear my squeals of excitement???

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. This means if you click to purchase and item, I receive a small commission to help keep The Craft of Teaching up and running!

Ok. First off, is something that I saw on Pinterest and later on Tara's blog and then on Create.Teach.Share. I'm pretty sure NO ONE else has done one...yeah right!! It's my Teacher Toolbox! I love it and I can't wait to use it. When I get back into my classroom, I will take a picture of it all set up, but for now here it is on my craft table.

Like so many others, I just used scrapbooking paper and embellishments to fancy up the labels that I downloaded from Create.Teach.Share. LOVE IT!! All my teaching friends were super excited when they saw it and at least 3 of them have made their own! You can grab your own toolbox by clicking {here}!

Ok. Now for number two. I was super-inspired by Tara's "Believe" sign from a few Monday Made Its ago:
I loved how the letters popped out and the circles were just too cute! I love the word "believe" too, but what I needed was a welcome sign! I went over to Hobby Lobby, which I love almost as much as Target, and gathered up my supplies.
You might be noticing that the letters don't fit...I'll get to that in a second!
I bought canvas, acrylic paint, wooden small-ish letters, a black paint pen and brushes. My husband supplied the spray paint from the garage! I forgot to put the stencils I used in this picture, but I used stencils!

First, I spray painted the letters. In no particular order. (When I say "I" spray painted, I mean my husband.)
While that was drying, I hopped in my car and drove back to Hobby Lobby, because - you guessed it! - my canvas was too small! But Hobby Lobby was closed, so I went to Michael's instead. And I got a much bigger canvas. But all the letters fit! Hooray!

Well, you would think I would have some more pictures of the process. But I don't. Because I get VERY INVOLVED in my super crazy intense and I forget to take pictures. BUT, I do have a picture of the finished product. I stenciled the flowers with the paint, added the black outlining and dots with the paint pen, hot glued the letters on and TA-DA! A welcome sign for my classroom!

Flower close up!
I love it and I can't wait to hang it on my door. I'm not sure if I will do a ribbon or not yet. We shall see!

Ok, ok. One more because I have been a busy, busy bee and I want to share! I made one several clipboards!

I used the directions from The Frugal Girls, but there are lots of options out there! Before I made this one, I also made a small one. I think I will use them as gifts for my co-workers! :-) This project introduced me to my new BFF - Mod Podge! I will be using that on everything I can think of from now on.

Whew! Ok then...first Monday Made It (for me) in the books! Stay tuned for more crafts and even an Ikea adventure in the very near future!

Have a great day everyone! Thanks for visiting!


  1. You have some artistic juices in you!! Way to go! I recently discovered mod podge and am in love too:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. Thanks Holly! I just feel lucky that there isn't paint covering my craft table or myself! LOL Whenever I use Mod Podge in a project, I feel like I'm covered in it when I'm done!


  2. I absolutely love your welcome sign! TOO CUTE!

  3. Cute projects this week. I like your welcome sign.
    Thanks for sharing.


  4. I made a toolbox too! I was so proud of that thing haha. I ended up using spray tack to stick my papers to the outside of the drawers. I love your welcome sign too!

    1. Thanks, Gina! I am in love with my toolbox right now for sure...I hope it holds up! Thanks for visiting!


  5. You have been busy! I love it all! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading more on your blog as well! :)


  6. Thanks for the follow! I am dying to make one of the Tool Boxes! I am now following your blog!

  7. Thanks Juliane! Aren't the toolboxes fun?? I can't wait for mine to get some actual use!

    Craft of Teaching


Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)