Sunday, September 23, 2012

Anchor Charts Galore!

Who loves a good chart? ME!

We are to the point this year that when I get out the markers and head for the rocking chair, I can always hear someone say, "Are we making another chart?" And of course, the answer is "YEP!"

We make our anchor charts together in our group meeting area.
Here is our meeting area...I would rather have a different chart stand, but this one works!

We make anchor charts for EVERYTHING! I love that the ideas come from the students instead of me.

Here are just a few:
Our Kit Inventory for our first science investigation.

Daily 5 anchor chart for Work on Writing
Daily 5 anchor chart for Read to Self - I moved it from the big chart to this smaller one.

Mentor text for Slice of Life writing - What do we notice?

Anchor chart for different types of leads

Ten Friends!

As you can see, we are running out of room! In past years, I have always struggled with this inevitability - spend time to make a chart, run out of room, and take down said chart that kids actually look for and use! Soooo, after some intense Pinterest surfing, I found a way to solve that problem.


Each subject has its own section and then I take a picture of the chart to add in.

I downloaded the covers and divider pages from Clutter Free Classroom's TpT store. You can get them {here}. They worked perfectly AND there are some great planning pages in the download for thinking ahead about your charts!

The original pin I found came from Nancy at Teaching My Friends. Here is her Anchor Chart binder:

I love how she organized the binder and I am so excited that kids will be able to access the charts even as we move on and make new ones.

I'm so happy that I won't have to throw out our hard work this year!

Leave a comment below and tell me how you manage your anchor charts!

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