Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Team Building Fun!

I am feeling really lucky today! My little class is working hard and learning new things every day. Plus there's only 23 of them, so I feel like I am actually getting to know them. :-) So far, so good.

I only have 2 itty-bitty complaints.

1. They are CHATTY! But, they are getting a little better each day. Thank you, adorable (and functional) Clip Chart!
Don't forget, you can download it {here}
2. They have a very hard time working as a team. Luckily, blog-land has come to my rescue again! I saw this adorable post at Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies about Saving Fred and Puzzle Races.

After I read the post, I just happened ran right over to Target and picked up the puzzles in the dollar spot. I put the kids into groups and we talked about working together to put the puzzle together.

Then it was time to get to work!
It was fun to walk around and listen to their conversations (and occasional arguments). The longer they worked, the more efficient their teams became.

It took a lot longer than I originally thought for them to do the puzzles, but we worked on them in chunks of time and they were excited each time we did more work! They loved this activity and we wrapped it up by talking about the strategies they used to work together and to put the puzzle together. I forgot to grab a picture of the finished product, but they did a great job!

It was a great team building activity! I will definitely use it again next year. Make sure to check it out over at Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies!

***UPDATE: Kelly at Teaching Fourth started a fun linky called Fun Fridays...all about fun things we do in our classrooms! The Puzzle Races were super fun, so I'm linking up to share our fun time! Link up to share yours too!***

Next up....Saving Fred! I can't wait! :-) We will be a well-oiled machine in NO TIME!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!


  1. I read that post too! I'm thinking about doing those activities Friday. Such a great idea!


    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

    1. The puzzles were really fun! We'll tackle Save Fred next week...I'll post about how it goes. :-)


  2. Thank you for linking up! It looks like your students had a lot of fun! Thanks again!


    1. Thanks for hosting Kelly! Great idea, especially in these first few weeks!


  3. I love the idea of the puzzle races. I hadn't seen that before. Thanks!! My kids start Tuesday and I am ready to build a little family in my classroom. :)I'm a new follower!

    Come over and visit me!

    1. Thanks Amy! I checked out your it! Good luck with your first day and week!



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