Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1st Currently of 2013

Happy New Year to all my friends and fantastic followers!

What better way to start off 2013 than to link up with Farley for Currently?? I can't think of any!!!

Listening: It's pretty great when no one has to get up and go to work...

Loving: I actually feel like I might have some rest and relaxation time now that both holidays are behind us. Teachers have to be back on Monday, but we will have time to work and plan.

Thinking: I've been doing a lot of reflecting on this year and some parts of it weren't that great. But some parts were...I'm going to grab onto those positives and head on into 2013!

Wanting: A new pair of shoes. I feel like I say this on every Currently....hmmmmm.

Needing: Seriously. Where is the magic house-cleaning fairy???? WHERE?

One Little Word: I chose "experience" because I'm planning on not wasting any time taking in any new experiences I can. I also think it's important to experience the here and now, the present, and not worry about what's to come or what's come before. Experience. It has a good ring to my ears.

Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a happy, healthy 2013!


  1. I hear you on the new pair of shoes! And when you find the house cleaning fairy, please send her my way when she has finished with you :) Happy New Year!!

    Crofts' Classroom

    1. After she's done here, she's all yours!! :-) Happy New Year!


  2. I like you OLW choice. I think I lot of us probably need to do that. Enjoy your time off until next Wednesday - must be nice.

    room 4 imagination

    1. Thanks, Heather! I know it will go fast, but I am going to try and relish it...good luck heading back to work. :-)


  3. Cleaning fairy... if only! I made this whole elaborate list on all of the cleaning I was going to get done over the break. Yeah, right! So now I'm scrambling to get it done in the last week of our break - yipes! So if you see a cleaning fairy, send her by my apartment, too! :)

    4th Grade Haps and Hacks

    1. Hi Julie! I think she's heading to Tina's after here, but I'm sure she can head your way after that! LOL I always have high hopes for what I will accomplish over break, but it rarely happens! Happy New Year!


  4. I think that cleaning fairy needs to come see me as well. See the simple wishes of a teacher? lol :) Fun to find you from my co-worker Farley!

    1. I think I'm going to make this Cleaning Fairy a schedule so she knows where she needs to be! LOL

      It must be so fun working with Farley! Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Hi Nichole,
    I came by from the giveaway. Happy new Year - I would love the cleaning fairy - send her over my way will you? :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. So glad you came by, Vicky! This is going to be one BUSY cleaning fairy! :-)


  6. I am looking for a house cleaning fairy, too! I enjoyed reading your post! Happy 2013!



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