Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's About That Time...A Freebie!

It is. I'm sorry to say it, but it seems like this little break has gone by way too fast.

I know many of you are going back today, or possibly tomorrow. Many of us will be back to work on Monday.

Last night, I was up late thinking, "Uh-oh. What are we doing when the students come back on Wednesday?????" This gets my stomach all jittery and my mind all jumpy. Even though I know that it's still a few days away, I like to start getting my game plan together so at least it's not a punt-o-rama when their smiling faces walk through the door. You know what I'm talking about. AND, if you you're even closer to going back to work, I'm sure you are feeling the pinch a lot more than me.

So, I thought about my first day back with kids. What are we going to do?

I usually like to start out with something familiar and routine so that everyone can ease back into their days. Every year, I introduce my class to the 3-2-1 Graphic Organizer in the first few days of school. This is certainly NOT an original idea, but I have no idea where it came from. (Maybe someone can enlighten me, so I can give credit where credit is due?) It's a graphic organizer that we use at the beginning of the year and for all sorts of things afterwards.

Since it is a new year, I thought, "Why not a 3-2-1 to get us off on the right foot?" I put one together that I will use with my darling 4th graders on Wednesday, and I thought that other people might like to check it out as well!

If you think it would be useful to you, you can click the picture and grab it for FREE!


  1. Great idea, Nichole... and adaptable to the lower grades, too! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Thanks so much for linking up to Show and Tell Tuesday!
    I super love your 3-2-1 activity. I'm so glad you stopped by. Your blog is adorable. LOVE the colors!

    Sunny Days In Second Grade

    1. Thanks Denise! What a fun linky! Thanks for hosting!



Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)