Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Red- Letter Day...

Has anyone else read/loved "Night of the Twisters" by Ivy Ruckman? One of my favorite parts is when the main character, Dan, is describing a red-letter day - the very first page!

"When I was a little kid, I thought a red-letter day was when you got a red letter in the mailbox. Pretty dumb, huh? It finally dawned on me that a red-letter day is when something terrific and wonderful happens to you. Usually something unexpected."

Later on, Dan thinks that a red-letter day is the kind of day that ought to "have a tag on it. It could read:
This Is A Red-Letter Day
1. Dress appropriately
2. Practice looking humble
3. Comb your hair, in case of photographers"

 Now this book is not about a red-letter day for most of the book. But, it's still really good. 
And now on to the point....

I'm having a red-letter day!

First, I was featured on Amanda's blog, Teaching Maddeness! She has her Budding Bloggers Showcase Series every Wednesday, and today was my lucky day. :-)

I feel really lucky to be able to connect with such great bloggers...thanks, Amanda!

Secondly, I won a giveaway! Molly at Lessons With Laughter had a 1,000 Follower giveaway and I won a $25 Amazon giftcard! Hooray!
Lessons with Laughter
Thanks, Molly!
I can't wait to get some 12 sided dice. :-) Also, I totally want to make these cute snow globes she made with her kiddos. So adorable!

Well, I'm off for the evening. But...stay tuned for tales from the National Western Stock Show, a Colorado Avalanche game and a recap of our MLK day activities!


  1. I'm your newest follower after reading your post on Teaching Madness! What a great blog and I'm excited to keep reading about your math instruction since this is my major subject area I teach to grades 1 and 2.

    Jill @ Apple Bottom Beans

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jill! I hope you will find some useful information here. :-)


  2. Thanks for helping with the giveaway at Learning in the Little Apple. I am following you!

  3. SO GLAD you posted on my blog through Currently, so I could find yours! I read "Night of the Twisters" many, many years ago. Not kidding, just last week I was thinking about it and wishing I could remember the name of it so I could try to find it, then your post! Thanks!!!


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