Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Giveaway and a Freebie!

I am super excited to be a part of another fun giveaway! Rae at Mindful Rambles has reached 100+ followers and she is celebrating...woooohoooo! I am giving a $10 Target card, and there are lots of other awesome prizes. Go check it out!

Click the picture to take you to her giveaway post!
Last, but not least....

This week during shared reading, we revisited asking questions before, during and after reading.

SIDE NOTE: We have been using a National Geographic magazine, and they have an awesome online component that allows you to project the magazine onto your SmartBoard or other interactive whiteboard! I've never used it before this week, but we are having a blast! You can add your own sticky notes and highlight right on the pages on the screen.

So, as we read together, I added "sticky notes" with my questions to the screen and the students added questions to their graphic organizer...

We shared our questions as we went and the next step will be for them to use their graphic organizers during Read to Self. For some that need more support, we will be using the graphic organizer in small groups as well!

If you think this graphic organizer would be useful to you in your classroom, click the picture to take you to my TPT store, where you can grab it for FREE! Thanks to all my followers for your support! Enjoy!

I'm also linking up over at Teaching Blog Addict for Freebie Friday! Check mine out and then go check out a bunch of other freebies. :-)
Freebie Fridays


  1. Thanks for the graphic organizer.

  2. Love the graphic organizer. I am using CAFE to teach reading strategies and on Friday I had them write three questions in their journals that came to mind during reading. I love the thought of asking questions before and after reading too! Thanks for sharing :)


    1. Thanks Courtney! I used it with a CAFE lesson as well! Later, I even thought they could use small sticky notes and put it on their graphic organizer...maybe next time! Thanks for stopping by. :-)


  3. Just found your blog through Teaching Maddeness - it's great! Thanks for the info about the online National Geographic component. We are using some magazines to look at text features and locate facts - projecting it and writing right on it would be great. Thanks.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. Hi, I found your blog from Teaching Maddeness, I know you've been blogging a while, but, welcome anyway! I'm so happy that you overcame your dislike of math, and really learned to teach it well, for I know that now, your students will love it! I, too, like it better since i've learned more creative ways to use it. Thanks for the freebie!

    The Learning Metamorphosis

    1. Hi Jessica! Thanks for stopping by! :-) Working on my math teaching has really changed a lot about how I teach overall...made a huge difference! Hope you enjoy the freebie... :-)



Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)