Sunday, January 6, 2013

All Good Things...

All good things....blah, blah, blah. It's back to work tomorrow. I know, I know, many of you went back already. But I'm still not looking forward to tomorrow.

I guess you can look at this as a pro OR a con, but we don't have kids tomorrow. Which means we have meetings. I think meetings are a con. At least I don't have to completely have my you-know-what together, but it's just not going to be fun.

Oh well. To make myself happy I'm thinking about Wednesday, when the kids are back! (Yes, you read that right, Wednesday. We have meetings on Tuesday too. BLAH!)

Over winter break, I've been stalking away and finding some awesome ideas to use when everyone is back and rolling on Wednesday. I thought I'd gather together a few to share with you, in case you are like me and need to think happy thoughts!

First up is this adorable activity from Diane at Fifth in the Middle.
PS This is FREE at her TPT store! Click the image above!

I think I will have this waiting on their desks when they come in. I will give them a few minutes to write or draw about the idea in each box and then we can share. Each student can share one thing from their page with the class! Thanks Diane for such a great idea! 

PPS Diane is having a giveaway! Go check that out too!

Next up is a great pack from Tracy at Creekside Teacher Tales.

This pack has some great winter themed activities for practicing main idea! They can work on these activities in small groups, individually or in a center. She actually has several packs like these, so go check out her store! I am thinking that I will start out doing some of these during reading groups together and then change them to a center.

Another fun activity (FREE by the way) is from Lisa at Fourth and Ten.

I thought this might be fun for after lunch on Wednesday. They can get a little of the wiggles out and find out what everyone did over break!

Once I blog stalked a little, I came up with my own idea too! So I made this little 3-2-1 Graphic Organizer for the new year!

I blogged about it {here} and you can grab it for free {here}!

Well, that should get me at least through some of the day! And I know we are going to have a fun that will make Monday and Tuesday go down a little easier.

What are you doing (or what did you do) on the first day back with students? Share your ideas and links in the comments!


  1. Thanks for the mention! Glad you can use the freebie!

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. Thanks for posting it! Wednesday is going to be a fun day!


  2. I went back last week & can relate to that feeling of not being ready to go back! I love these activities & will have to check them out!
    Anne from

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Anne! I hope you had a great Monday!

      Craft of Teaching


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