Friday, January 4, 2013

I Wanna Give a SHOUT OUT!!!

Since I started my blog, way back in July, I have been amazed at all the talented people in the blogging world. And I'm not just amazed at their blogging talent.

I've been blown away by the quality of teachers in the world that choose to share their vast knowledge with everyone!

Today, I want to link up with Lisa from Growing Firsties and Katie from Teacher to the Core for their Shout Out linky party:
This linky is intended to give us the opportunity to "shout out" to two bloggers who have inspired us - one with more followers and one with fewer.

Without further ado...

The first person I want to give a shout out to is Megan from I Teach. What's Your Superpower?
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
First off, Megan designed my blog! This is particularly amazing to me because I have NO IDEA how to do that. Secondly, Megan makes awesome tutorials on her "Blog, Baby Blog" section that help all new bloggers learn how to do little things that make blogging so much easier! Megan also helps me when I email her ridiculous questions about my blog in the middle of the night. :-)

Most importantly, however? Megan's blog is packed with great ideas AND she makes me laugh! I'm always excited to read what she has to say and know I'm going get a giggle out of it.

The second person to get a shout out today is Angie at Ms. O Reads Books.
Ms. O Reads Books

Ok, first of all, she was the first person I saw to post about these:
Dr. Seuss Converse people!
And I bought some. And then I continued following and reading Ms. O's fabulous blog. She is a teacher-librarian, which means that she knows about books. I mean, REALLY knows about books. She shares great reads for kids of all ages and she has witty banter with me in the comments. :-) She makes me laugh too!

I love that Angie shares great ideas for activities with kids, technology and how she implements those ideas in her library. She also has some pretty adorable crafts over there!

I can't thank these two ladies enough for sharing their amazing talents AND making me laugh on a regular basis! 

Now that you've read about these great gals, make sure you click above to go to their blogs, look around and follow them. You won't be disappointed!


  1. Awwwww, you are so nice! Thanks for the shout out. So glad you were willing to let me use your blog as a guinea pig to get started on this whole blog designing thing!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

    1. I was lucky to be your guinea pig! Thanks for everything!


  2. Replies
    1. Aren't they great? I highly recommend getting a pair and wearing them everywhere you many people comment on them! :-)


  3. Hi! I am your newest follower! Thank you for giving the Shout Out to Megan! I went right there and have used her advice already! What a wonderful help to someone just starting out! I enjoyed your post on organization too! I am forever organizing! I am checking out that link too! I look forward to reading more posts! Thank you!

    1. Hi Kim! Thanks for stopping by and following...isn't Megan's blog great? She has great tips for anyone just beginning their blog.

      I hope you visit often!


  4. Thanks SO much for linking up!!! EXCELLENT choices for your shout outs!!
    Smiles - Lisa
    Growing Firsties

    1. Thanks for hosting, Lisa! Can't wait to link up again next month!



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