Saturday, February 2, 2013

Currently and A Sale!

I am seriously torn today.

On one hand, I am so glad it's February, because that means we are that much closer to spring. I am tired of cold and ready for it to be warm and sunny...

On the other hand, HOLY CRAP IT'S FEBRUARY!!! Where is the year going? We are counting down days until our state testing begins and the whole thing is giving me heart palpitations.

Luckily, a new month also means a new CURRENTLY so I can get my mind off testing and do something fun! As always, thanks to Farley at Oh Boy! 4th Grade for hosting such a great linky. I love to see what other people are up to!

Make sure you click over there to link up and check out all the Currentlys!

Oh yes. And tomorrow's the Super Bowl. I am still smarting like crazy a little since the Broncos did not make it all the way. But...I will watch. The commercials at least. And I will dream of next year.

Photo from The Denver Post
Since I'm not completely interested in the football itself tomorrow, I imagine that I will be shopping like crazy over at Teachers Pay Teachers! I'm sure many of you already know that there's going to be a mega sale with tons of sellers participating...including me!

SIDE NOTE: I only have ONE thing for sale in my store. But if you want to go grab my 2D Quadrilaterals Shape Sort for 28% off, tomorrow's the day!  

And last but not least...I have it on good authority (from our fabulous Kindergarten teacher) that Friday is the 100th day of school. I have always considered this a day geared more towards the little ones, but I have seen so many cute ideas for older kids that I just have to give it a go! So stay tuned for some 100th Day fun on Friday!


  1. Loved your Currently! Glad I found you through the linky! I cracked up reading your opening because I feel the same way yay it's February and holy crap it's February. At least I don't have state testing to look forward to, good luck!

    Clearly Kindergarten

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sarah! Here's to a quick spring...LOL!


  2. I agree, I am ready for Spring! Enjoyed looking at your blog!


    1. Thank you for hopping over Noelle! Spring cannot get here fast enough!


  3. Just stopping by to check out your February Currently! I just want ONE snow day...and then I'll be ready for spring! I'm your newest follower. Come by when you get a chance!

    Have a fabulous weekend!
    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

    1. Thanks for following, Rebecca! I'll concede to one snow day! LOL


  4. So feeling you on the laundry. It's screaming at me to be done. Yet I ignore for now...

    1. Thanks for stopping by! The laundry is still in a big pile, by the way!


  5. A scuba class sounds like so much fun! Will you be heading somewhere this summer to do some snorkeling?

    Teaching In Oz

    1. Hi Christy! Hopefully we will be heading somewhere to scuba dive this summer...still hammering out plans! ;-)


  6. Seriously, this year is already flying by! Especially when I look at the calendar and see that testing is only a few short months away. Ekkk! I am sure your kiddos will do well though! :) Lattes and Laughter

    1. I can't believe how fast it's going, really! Good luck on your testing as well.


  7. Mount Laundry - that cracks me up! I'm disappointed my Packers didn't make the Super Bowl, too. What happened to our Broncos/Packers match-up? Hopefully next year!

    Learning in the Little Apple

    1. I know Jane! I am so bummed! I guess there's always next year...go Broncos! ;-)


  8. Thanks for the comment on our blog. Did you see the last two episodes of Flashpoint? I was on edge the entire time.

    I am so with you about be over the cold, but wanna give you an AMEN about slow people driving in the left lane. It's like that unsaid rule has been completely forgotten. The way I take to work in the morning is the worst. Most of the time I have to get in the far right hand lane to go a decent speed.
    Ok- enough complaining. lol Here's to spring getting here a lot faster than the people driving in the fast lane- There I go again, sorry! lol :)

    1. Hi Antoinette! I was going crazy when I thought that Greg was going to die...they played that right up to the end!

      You will be happy to know that people are still driving ridiculously slow in the left hand lane here in Colorado! But it was pretty warm today, so I'll call it a win. :-)


    2. I know. They totally wanted us to think he was going to die. They did it so well.
      I am so ready for warm weather. It's been in the 40's all week which is SOOO much better than the last couple weeks where it has been in the teens. But I guess in Colorado, you get it much worse than we do in Missouri. So I can't really complain. Here, we have like 60 degree weather one day and 6 degrees the next. Insane. lol
      Have a great day :)


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