Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Super Shopped-Till-I-Dropped!

The Super Bowl is over. I can't say I'm happy, because I would have liked to see the 49ers win. Now I can start to get ready for next year when my Broncos will go all the way!

Since the game was pretty boring (at least in the beginning until the lights went out!) I did some Super Sunday TPT shopping. Even the commercials weren't that great, so I took my time and found some things I really wanted off my wish list! (Except the pistachio commercial. That was hilarious.)

Luckily for me, Julie at My Journey to 5th Grade is hosting a Show and Tell Linky Party, so I can share my purchases and do a linky at the same time!

I'm also linking up with Karen at Blog Hoppin' and Denise at Sunny Days in Second Grade for their show-and-tell linkys!

Here we go!

First, I picked something that has been on my wishlist for quite a while. These Reading Response sentence starters and tic-tac-toe boards will be a great addition to my Daily 5! These are from Mrs. O at Mrs. O Knows...I can't wait to use them! She even has a very informative blog post about them {here}.

Soon we will be starting a unit on 2D Geometry and Measurement. I found these awesome measurement math stations from Krista at Stellar Students. They look like so much fun and I know my kiddos will love them! You can read her blog post about them {here}.

Last week, we used this awesome resource from Mercedes at Surfing to's her Compound Word Super Star Skills freebie! It was a great resource to see what the kids already knew and a great way for some to review! {Here} is her blog post about it...remember...this one is FREE!

I loved it so much that today I bought TWO more of her Super Star Skills packs! I purchased the pack about plurals and the pack about synonyms and antonyms! Her post about the plurals pack is {here}. Synonyms and antonyms are {here}!


We are also approaching our state testing window. Even though the 4th graders don't have an assessment for science (the first time they do is in 5th) it never hurts to start getting ready! I found this great packet of Science Process Skills Questions from The Science Penguin and I can't wait to use them. Check out her blog post {here}.

Last, but not least, I've been using these great winter-themed nonfiction passages from Tracy at Creekside Teacher Tales this week...they are a huge hit! They have been fabulous in my guided reading groups. Find her blog post {here}.

So when she came out with her new Main Idea, Prediction and Inferences pack, I knew I needed it! I can't wait to practice some great reading skills and strategies with her fantastic passages. :-)


If you want to purchase any of the products above, just click the pictures!

Ok folks, that's it! I had a blast shopping, and the best part? Between the sale and TPT credits, I only spent $18!! I call that a win, even if the 49ers lost. Have a great Monday!


  1. Thanks for the shout out Nichole! I loved the pistachio commercial too.


    1. You are absolutely welcome! I love your products. :-)


  2. Thanks for these recommendations (I'm also a 4th grade teacher)! Can I ask- how did you gte good thumbnails of the items to advertise the product? Whenever I try to link from TPT, they turn out grainy and horrible! :(
    ideas by jivey

    1. Hi Jessica! I found the images on the blogs...I just google the product name and most of the time the author has blogged about it and I just grab the pic from there! Hope that helps... :-)


  3. Thanks for linking up! I am now your newest follower as well. Looks like you got some great stuff yesterday. Oh, and I love the colors of your blog!

    My Journey to 5th Grade

    1. Hi Julie! Thanks for hosting...and following! Megan from I Teach. What's Your Superpower? did my blog design...I love it! :-)



Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)