Saturday, April 6, 2013

Some News...With a Giveaway

As you may have guessed from my post title, I have some interesting news to share!

Our school found out this week that we will be the recipient of Title 1 funds starting next school year. We have hovered around the "magic" number of percentage of free lunch for years and this year we finally bumped up enough to receive Title funds. As you can imagine, this news is exciting, but also kind of stressful when we all think about what we need to get done and in place for next year! Hopefully, we will be hiring some teachers in the near future to alleviate some teachers having split grade levels next year. (I taught a 4/5 last year, and it nearly killed me folks!)

Along with the news of Title 1 came our assignments for next year. My principal has decided to move me to 3rd grade next year...which was not my first choice but I am trying to come to terms with it. I have always taught 4th or 5th, so I suppose it's about time for a change. I am lucky enough to be teaching with an amazing colleague next year and that's the silver lining that I will need to be positive and make it work!


I was having a major pity party earlier in the day people. MAJOR. While I was putting in my latest order to Scholastic, it hit me. My classroom library is an intermediate library. Almost everything I have in my room is intermediate oriented. I think I'll even need smaller chairs! Not to mention that I have been teaching in our little intermediate wing of the building for 9 years...these folks are like my family and when I have to move rooms they will be across the world! (Or so it seems...)

In the midst of my GINORMOUS pity party, I hopped on my computer and started looking at blogs. And I was instantly reminded that no matter what I am teaching, I have a whole network of amazing educators at my fingertips to help me! Blog-stalking re-energized my teaching this year, and I can only imagine the awesome things I will find to give me a boost next year.

I know that my summer is going to be spent blog stalking away for all your fabulous ideas to make my 3rd grade classroom an amazing place to grow and learn!

So to say thank you (in advance!), I'm having a quick little giveaway! You can enter until tomorrow night at midnight to win a $15 TPT gift certificate and a $10 Starbucks card. Just follow the blog and leave a comment telling me your favorite grade to teach and why!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I homeschool and I really enjoyed teaching my sons how to read when they were 4 & 5 (I guess that would be pre-K and kindergarten).

    1. What a gratifying experience! It's amazing to watch students learn like that. :-)


  2. Oh boy - big changes! But now that you've already taught fourth and fifth, you'll really know what to focus on with your third graders because you know what they're going to need to know!

    I LOVE teaching fifth grade, but I think that a passionate teacher can teach anything. You're going to be a wonderful third grade teacher!

    Joy in the Journey

    1. Thanks for being so positive, Jessica! :-) I definitely needed that perspective!


      PS I love 5th grade too...

  3. I love teaching Kinder or 1st! The students are so impressed with anything you teach them:)

  4. I started in 3rd, but was moved to 4th many years ago. I loved it. I'm just jealous that you know what you are going to do next year. We are still waiting to hear. I have my fingers crossed that I get 4th gr. Math, instead of 4th LA.

    Good luck next year!

    1. I will keep my fingers crossed for you! I would love to teach 4th grade math too. Thanks for your kind words!


  5. I love teaching fifth, probably because it's all I've ever taught. But I do like how independent they are, yet they still seem to like school and haven't become totally jaded.

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. I love fifth too! The independence is the best part AND they start getting a sense of humor!


  6. I've always taught 5th grade and enjoy the awesome books out there for this age. 3rd would be fun, too! They're not too little and not too big for their britches yet, either.

    Hokie Teach

    1. Fifth grade definitely has some awesome books. I'm hoping to find some great ones for my third graders too!


  7. Hi Nichole-

    I teach third grade and love it! They are pretty independent, and fun to work with. I know you will do great. I have taught K, 1, 2, and 4th, and have liked each level for various reasons. You have lots of time to blog stalk/prep for this exciting new adventure.

    Learning in the Little Apple

    1. Thanks so much Jane! I really appreciate your words of encouragement! I will definitely be blog stalking all summer long... :-)


  8. I love teaching kindergarten, because they are excited to learn about everything.

    1. Those kinders are definitely excited to learn AND adorable! :-)


  9. Moving grades can be hard. We had a teacher move from 5th to about change! My favorite grade is kindergarten but my next would be 2nd. Good luck with your switch, I'm sure you will do great!

    Clearly Kindergarten

    1. Thanks so much Sarah! I can't imagine jumping all the way to kindergarten...that's huge! I appreciate your kind words!


  10. I love the younger grades... more excitement and fun things.
    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  11. I homeschool my 8 year old daughter. It's a nice age: we still do all the cute fun things associated with the younger grades but also start getting into more serious, "grown up" stuff. Sweet! Thanks for the opportunity.


Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)