Monday, April 1, 2013

Currently...I'm Getting Back on The Blog!

Ok folks. I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I've posted anything. 2 months? OY! 

So I figure...what better way to jump back on the bandwagon than Farley's Currently? Hopefully, I can keep up blogging the rest of the week and fill everyone in on some of the craziness that has been my life, but for now, Currently is the way to go!

Listening: I just discovered "How I Met Your Mother," and I'm a little addicted! Luckily, they have 7 seasons on Netflix so I can get all caught up...

Loving: The weather here can be pretty volatile during the beginning parts of spring, but this week has been particularly wonderful in terms of weather....who knows if it will continue to be nice, but I'm loving it while it lasts!

Thinking: The week after Spring Break (which starts tomorrow at my school) tends to be pretty productive and focused for some reason. I'm working on ways to capitalize on that!

Wanting: I think some flip-flops and dressier sandals are calling my name!

Needing: Maybe I watched too much HIMYM over Spring Break? Because my house still looks like a tornado hit my living room....and kitchen...and sewing room...and... ok you get the picture. My house is a wreck!

Advice: I was really nervous to start blogging and I spent a lot of time trying to write the perfect blog post. Even though quality is important, getting started is even more important! If you don't start, no one will benefit from the great ideas you have to share. Once you get started, (or restarted in my case), it's easier to get into a rhythm and you will love your blog more and more. In fact, you will start to miss it when it has been too long...ahem...I'm looking in my own direction here.

There it is folks...I'm jumping back into the blogging world! Enjoy Currently and don't forget to go link up.


  1. Replies
    1. Me too! Watching it again right now...I might have a problem. :-)


  2. I love your advice! Sometimes you do just have to jump in with both feet! Glad you're back blogging.
    First Grade Found Me

    1. Thanks Chrissy! Sometimes it's easier said than done! :-)


  3. Welcome back to the blog world! I can't wait to follow you!

  4. Good advice on your Currently! Just found your blog through Farley's linky, I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog

  5. I am dying to visit Colorado. The Mr. has always wanted to live there.
    My Second Sense

    1. Most of the time it is beautiful here! You should definitely come visit!


  6. I've never seen HIMYM, but so many people talk about how hilarious it is that I think I better start! :)


    1. You should definitely check it out! Seasons 1-7 are on Netflix!



Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)