Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Snowing...but It's {Currently} May!

The calendar and the weather are not communicating properly here in Colorado. Everything says it's May. But when I look outside, it is SNOWING. Snowing, people. And not just a little bit...giant pile ups on the highway snow. Black ice and broken tree branches snow. Ridiculous.

But it MUST be May, because it's time for Farley's Currently!

Listening: I haven't really been a CSI fan. But I have been watching lately, and I really like it! I may have found a new show to be addicted to...

Loving: I'm pretty sure that the entire internet has been hiding the best. secret. ever. from me. If you haven't checked out, I highly recommend you do so. Right now. Go. I'll wait... Seriously. This is amazing. It's cheap, it's extremely easy to use and it has so many features that you can use to help you plan ANYWHERE. Even on your iPhone. Or iPad. I LUUUUV it.

Thinking: It's May. It's snowing. There are ONLY 20 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT. It's is that even possible?

Wanting: Spring? Oh, spring? Where are you? (See crazy-lady rant above for more details.)

Needing: My "I'm-teaching-third-grade-next-year-help-me-fellow-bloggers" list is growing. And growing. And growing.

Bucket List: Headed to Mexico on my first scuba diving trip. CANNOT WAIT. And summer is my reading time. I am making a large pile as we speak (type?). Lastly, I will. Clean. Out. My. Craft room. This will happen. I will take before (scary scary scary) pictures. And after...I am looking forward to it!

Don't forget to head over to Farley's and link up with your very own Currently!


  1. I hope the weather changes soon for you! It's too late in the year for snow!! I too need to spend some money on TpT; next week, I plan to do some serious damage to my pocket book. I found you through Farley's linky!!

    Primarily Speaking

  2. Snowing in May?! That's crazy. I hope to weather gets warmer for you. I love CSI Vegas one. I have to say I love the newer seasons better than the older ones. I have never tried Outside of it being a lesson planning system online (I'm guessing), can you tell me more about it?

    Ms Richards's Musings

  3. Snow? It's suppose to be 90 degrees on Friday here in San Diego!! Good luck with the snow!


  4. Hey! i'm a fellow fourthie! Glad to find you on Farley's Currently! I'm soooo sad for you and the snow! Ack!!!!!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow ideas by jivey on Facebook!

  5. Snowing here in May too! Crazy! Your scuba diving trip to Mexico sounds fun!
    Conversations in Literacy

  6. Found your blog through is so cute! I live in Wisconsin, where I thought winter would NEVER end....but snow in MAY??? Ughhh....

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings


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