Thursday, May 2, 2013

Walk MS - Go Team Honeybadgers!

In the midst of the craziness of the end of the school year, I add something. Because I am obviously insane. However, this is important. For a lot of reasons.

I have Multiple Sclerosis. I've known for about a year and a half. It took a long time to get a diagnosis and that was the worst part. But since then, it's all been good. I am lucky and most of my symptoms are easily manageable. However, I know that many people can have their lives interrupted at any time by unexpected symptoms. In fact, my aunt has MS and many people that I know here in Colorado do too, and they have had symptoms that keep them from living their everyday lives.

A great organization that helps people living with MS and their families is the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Here in Colorado, our chapter puts on several walks as fundraisers throughout the state.

Last year we put together a team and called ourselves The Honeybadgers!

Team Honeybadgers - 2012!
My friends and family (and my dogs!) all came out to support Walk MS and me! It was a great day and it felt great to be able to help do something to put an end to a disease that stops people in their tracks.

The 2013 Walk MS event is on Saturday. We've been recruiting and fundraising and now it's time to walk! We have a blast and our team has grown a ton this year...we have over 30 people signed up to walk. I feel so lucky to have such an amazing support team behind me. :-)

We are still fundraising, so if anyone is interested in helping our team meet our goal ($4000!) please feel free (but not obligated!) to click the link below. To show my appreciation, for any donation of $5 or more, I will send out a copy of my Quadrilaterals: 2D Shape Sort to the donors! Just leave your email in the comments so I can send it out. :-)

Stay tuned for pictures of us at the walk this weekend!

To donate, click HERE. Thank you all in advance! :-)

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