Monday, July 1, 2013

{Currently} and Giveaways!

I honestly cannot believe it's already July. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

On the one hand, there's still 5 weeks of summer left until I HAVE to go back to school.

On the other hand, there's ONLY 5 weeks of summer left until I HAVE to go back to school.

Hmmmm. Moving on.

It is July 1st! So that means it's time for Farley's Currently over at Oh Boy! 4th Grade! Here we go!

Listening: We do not have cable/satellite anymore. So we have an antenna and Netflix. Sometimes old episodes of random shows are all we get. Don't get me wrong, I like "Without A Trace," but sometimes I would give my right arm for a table flipping episode of Real Housewives.

Loving: We have been in the upper 90s and dry, dry, dry! Today was a little overcast and even drizzly in the afternoon. It was lovely!

Thinking:  I set a goal for myself at the beginning of the summer that I would make a few more products for TPT, but inspiration has not struck! I need to give it some more thought. If you have anything you would like to see, let me know!

Wanting: I would love some new duds for my trip to NOLA in two weeks! A teaching friend and I are heading out there for NCTM's Interactive Institute on Number and Operations. I am SUPER excited because I am a huge math nerd! I can't wait to learn some new things - IN MY NEW CLOTHES? Hmmm...

Needing: I should put a picture here to show you how terrible it is in there. But I'm ashamed...I might even have to dedicate a whole post to this room and its trials and tribulations.

Blogging Tip: The best thing about blogging, I think, is that you can do it however you like! There's not an expectation that you have to do something a certain way or in a certain time. I've had to learn to make peace with the fact that the only expectations I've had, I've put on myself! So, if it's starting to stress you out? Take a break, or find a linky, or post a picture of your dog. Keep it something that you find enjoyable!

Before you head over to Farley's to see what everyone else is {currently} up to, don't forget to enter my Bloglovin' Giveaway! I'm doing the math over here, and my Google Friend Connect Number is 265, but Bloglovin' only has 195...make sure you switch over and you don't lose any blogs. :-)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ok...last but not least!  Rose over at Rosie's Rambles is having a fantastic 100 Follower Giveaway and I'm so excited to be participating. You can win some great prizes, so head over there, follow her blog and get entered to win!

Ok, now you can head over to Farley's! Go on! Link up!


  1. How exciting to be heading to New Orleans! Hopefully you will blog about things you learn at the conference. Safe travels!


    1. Thanks Emily! I will definitely be blogging about my math adventures in NOLA!


  2. Have fun on your trip!! :)Can you send your magic fairy over my way when she is done at your house? :) Thanks for sharing your Currently with us!

    Sugar and Spice

    1. I will send her right over as soon as she cleans up over here! :-)


  3. Enjoy your your advice...I had to learn that too. Oh yeah, send the magic fairy to me next!

    1. Thanks Crystal! That magic fairy is going to be BUSY!


  4. Definitely buy some new clothes! How can that EVER be bad?!? hahaha Have a great trip. Cute blog too!

    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  5. I could definitely use one of those magic fairies! I brought home pretty much EVERYTHING from my classroom for the summer, so things are quite tight - and disheveled - in my "office" right now!

    1. Oh, how I understand!! We aren't allowed back in our building until August because of construction, so I brought everything I thought I MIGHT need home! Thanks for stopping by. :-)



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