Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Favorite!

Good morning everyone! I'm just popping in for a quick post today...because I'm heading to math class! My favorite! And I'm not even being sarcastic!

Everything you need for math class is right there - Starbucks, snacks and my math notebook! I will blog more about this little two day workshop later, but I'll tell you that I have been extremely lucky to work with this awesome group of teachers for a few years now. We do math together, and the focus of most of our classes has been teacher leadership in the field of mathematics.

You know when you meet someone for the first time, but it feels like you have known them forever? That's how this whole group is! Ok, ok...I'm rambling! And I have to get on the road to class...but I'll tell you more later. :-)

Don't forget to enter my Bloglovin' giveaway! There's still time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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