Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dare to Dream BIG

I'm excited to be participating in the second week of the TPT Seller Challenge! This week, the challenge asked us to think about our dreams, and dream BIG. I can't resist sharing some of the things I hope to accomplish through this journey, so I'm linking up with The Peppy Zesty Teacherista, Third In Hollywood, Sparkling in Second and TeachCreateMotivate.

1. One of the things I adore about this community of bloggers is the ability to share ideas, resources, stories and more across the world! I love getting ideas from other teachers, and sharing my little bit of the world with others as well.

2.  This is a dream that seems far away at the moment. I hope that by participating in the blogging and TPT community that it might help me get there....eventually. A little background: My husband read the book Drive Nacho Drive. This book is the inspiration for our dream...we would love to take a year or so off from working and drive from our home in Colorado to the tip of South America. We love to travel anyway, and this book truly showed us what an amazing journey that could be. We both have dreams about saving up enough money to not have to worry about anything back home while we are on our's a pipe dream for sure, but hey, I'm dreaming BIG here!

3. I think that TPT has helped me to examine my practices as a teacher. I love learning from others and seeing how they use the products they create. I hope to be able to learn and grow from them - to improve my own practice AND to be able to create products that teachers can easily use to grow as well!

What are your dreams?? Whether they are TPT dreams, blogging dreams or dreams for your future, I want to hear them! Leave a comment and then link up your own Dare to Dream post at one of the blogs from the lovely ladies below!


  1. I totally agree on how TpT has helped me grow as a teacher! I'm constantly reflecting on everything I do in the classroom and trying to think of ways to make my lessons better. Plus, I've made so many fun connections with other teachers, I'm never at a loss for ideas! I've done a little bit of traveling, but South America would be totally awesome!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  2. Nichole your blog is darling! I too am so excited about how TPT is helping me grow professionally. I would have never imagined that would be one of the outcomes of this amazing journey!

  3. Thanks for such a nice information on such a complex topic. Please keep posting such good contents. Thanks for your time and efforts. I really appreciate your work.


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  4. I love your idea about driving to the tip of South America! That is so cool. When you do it, don't forget to blog about it so I can live the experience through you! :)


Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas and feedback, so leave me a comment below! :-)