Sunday, June 21, 2015

Well, That Escalated Quickly. {Makeover Madness}

Well, it's summer, and even though I have spent a number of hours (that I can't get back) watching Judge Judy and participating in other summertime guilty pleasures, I have gotten ONE - count it, ONE - thing done this past week. Slow clap, people. Slow clap.

Last Sunday I casually logged in to my 1.7 million social media outlets and immediately was inundated with images of the stats of every blogger I've ever followed. "What's this?" I thought. "Looks like fun. Everyone is doing it. FOMO. Better sign up RIGHT NOW."

I printed my stats page, posted it and waited not-so-patiently for the challenge to be revealed on Monday morning.

I hopped (read: ambled) out of bed to see what the Makeover Madness challenge would be. I was super excited to give one of my products a quick once-over! (HAHAHAHAHAHA...quick.)

I immediately knew which product needed a facelift.

Here's the really sad part...this is actually a facelift of the original. Oy. But obviously, it needed some work.

I redid the cover. It makes me so happy! AND I learned how to create a square cover so nothing gets cut off on my previews on TPT!

I tried to keep it simple and clean and easy to read. I used different fonts, a different background paper and different clipart! I patted myself on the back when I was done. And I patted my husband on the back because he knows how to to do things in Photoshop.

I was all ready to post my happy new cover. But then I started looking through the product itself. Well, I thought I can't very well have mis-matched backgrounds on the other slides. Better fix that.

So I did. Surely, I would be happy with that, right? Done, happy and moving on with summer life??

But no. Not yet.

I remembered reading about some skinny borders that people have begun using to maximize space on their worksheets! And the graphic organizers were looking pretty squished on the pages. How could kids even write in those tiny spaces??? And I didn't even use a good font the first time. Fixed that too.

Lastly, I decided that in order to make this product easier to use as a center that I better include some sorting mats!

To sum up:
  • Updated cover
  • Updated backgrounds and fonts on directions in the product
  • Changed borders and fonts on all graphic organizers
  • Added 6 sorting mats for use in a center
Total time spent: ALL. FREAKIN. WEEK. I had some technical glitches and things I wanted to try to it took me forever! BUT I am happy with the changes and how it turned out!! If you want to grab yourself a copy of this product click {here}.

All in all:

I have LOVED seeing so many great product updates. What did you do for the TPT Seller Challenge this week? 

Don't forget to link up with your Makeover Madness!

Thanks to The Peppy Zesty Teacherista, Third In Hollywood, Sparkling In Second and Teach Create Motivate for hosting and creating such a fun challenge. :-)


  1. Great job updating this product! I know exactly what you mean about one thing leading to another. That's how updating one product turned into updating five in my store. And I still have loads to update. This being the first week of summer for me, I chose an easy one to tackle first. Yikes! Good luck on next week's challenge!

  2. Your product makeover looks great!! It is definitely easy to get hooked on updating your products. I feel like I have downloaded soooooo much clipart since I have started TpT which makes it tempting to make more product updates! I'm looking forward to the next challenges! Have a wonderful week!
    ~Heather :)
    Recipe for Teaching

  3. I did not participate. 1)Cause I got nothing but reading done last week. LOTS of reading. 2)Cause except for Pinterest my "stats" are not something I'm throwing out there for the entire world to see. The people who DO read my little internet spot will look and say "That is all? Why do I bother?" and run away. 3)Cause I knew it would escalate and the reading alone was already bugging my wrists. Like I know exactly what I'd make over. I deactivated them back in early April because they were so big and messy and I wanted to totally reorganize them. Probably won't get anything done this coming week, either, cause my nieces and nephew are coming. PLAYTIME. No more naptime.

  4. Your makeover project is a total success! Very eye-catching! We ended up redoing the entire project, too. But the end result was worth it. Tomorrow comes challenge 2 :-)

  5. This made me laugh because!! I simply thought I'd update a couple products, no big deal. NOPE...took me all week long on 1 product! Crazy! Love the new update!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  6. I love the new cover! Makeover madness has turned into makeover obsessed! All your hard work will pay off. :)

  7. I like the makeover! FOMO gets me every time!


  8. I like the makeover! FOMO gets me every time!



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